Best musical instrument shops in Delhi

musical instrument

A shop that contains various musical instruments is called a is called a musical instrument shop. Searching for the best musical instruments in Delhi, Surobani is the one and only name. Surobani, specially known for its variety of instruments, is a hub centre for exploring musical instruments.

Overview of Surobani Manufacturers

Location:Surobani is located centrally in Delhi. Surobani is known for specialising in traditional Indian instruments. Various musical instruments, like sitars, tablas, harmonium, modern keyboards, and western instruments,

Reputation: Surobani Musical Centre gains a reputation for its instrument quality and its ability to spread positive vibes among musicians. This musical centre is famous for its quality products and knowledgeable, well-trained staff.

Product Range of Surobani Music Center

  • Sitar: Sitar instruments are available in the Surabani music center. It is a classical string instrument known for its resonant sound.
  • Tabla: A pair of drums used in classical music and religious music is available in this shop.
  • Harmonium: Harmonium instruments are available in this shop. Harmonium is a free-reed organ that is combined with reeds and bellows.
  • Sarod: Sarod is a stringed instrument that is available in the Surobani musical instrument shop.
  • Tanpura: Tanpura is a traditional music instrument that is available in the Surobani shop.

Various western instruments like electric guitars, keyboards, pianos, drums, wind instruments, etc. are available in the Surobani musical shop. Various custom instruments are available here. Tuning devices, reeds, and music stands are available here.


Services Offered

  • Instruments repair: Surabani Music Centre provides repair services. And it’s also offering maintenance services for traditional instruments.
  • Music Classes:Surobani Musical Centre offers music classes. This music class offers different skill levels and tests. This class helps build a music career for musicians.

Customer Experience

The staff of Surobani Musical Centre are skilled with their vast knowledge and expertise; this is really appreciable. This willingness helps to choose the right instruments for musicians. Staff are also engaged in custom orders and requests. This valuable service attracts musicians to the Surobani musical centre.

Online presence and online shopping options

Surobani Musical Centre offers online purchase options as well. Surobani designed their website with products, a detailed overview and description, and the ability to purchase instruments online. Surobani Musical Centre is active on social media sites. They provide updates on new stock, music events, and promotions as well.

Tabla Instrument

Customer Reviews

Many customers give positive feedback and reviews about product quality and customer service. The website of Surobani manufacturers and social media pages have testimonials from customers, which have a positive impact on their credibility.

Price of Surobani instruments

Surobani musical centre instruments like sitars and sarods range from thousands of rupees. Tablas range started at 5000 to 30000. Harmonium costs around 10,000 to 50,000 rupees. Western instruments cost around 5000 to 1 lakh rupees. Electric guitars cost 1 lakh. Keyboards and digital pianos started at around 5000 rupees.

Surobani Musical Centre offers a large number of quality instruments and a comprehensive understanding that could meet musical needs.

Contact number of Surobani Musical Shop- 9831796461

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